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A list of "must haves" I've heard clients say they couldn't go without (will update periodically)

1. Battery-Operated Candles or Fairy Lights: Soft lighting can create a calming ambiance. Battery-operated candles or fairy lights provide a safe option.

2. Aromatherapy Diffuser: Use essential oils like lavender or chamomile to infuse the room with soothing scents.

3. Favorite Music or Relaxation Playlist: Prepare a playlist of your favorite calming music or guided relaxation tracks. (There are also "push" playlists on YouTube if you don't want to create one or would like to add to yours). Don't forget the Bluetooth speaker.

4. Massage Oil: Pack massage oil or lotion for your partner or a doula to provide soothing massages during labor.

5. Birthing Ball: A birthing ball can help with comfort and position changes during labor.(most hospitals have these already but double check before delivery to be sure)

6. Comfortable Pillows and Cushions: Bring your own comfortable pillows and cushions to support you during labor and provide extra comfort. This includes clothing such as night gowns and socks etc.

7. Personal Affirmations or Mantras: Positive affirmations or mantras can help you stay focused and calm during contractions.

8. Pictures or Art: Hang up pictures or art that make you feel relaxed and happy.

9. Warm Blankets: Hospitals can be chilly, so having warm blankets can be comforting.

10. Familiar Scents: Bring a pillowcase or blanket from home with a familiar scent to make the room feel cozier.

11. Heating Pad or Hot Water Bottle: Heat can provide relief from discomfort during labor.

12. Tension-Relief Tools: Consider items like stress balls or a handheld massager to help manage tension.

13. Positive Birth Affirmations: Hang up or bring cards with positive birth affirmations to stay motivated.

14. Birth Plan: Share your birth plan with the medical staff to ensure your preferences are considered.

15. Snacks and Hydration: Pack your favorite snacks and drinks to stay nourished and hydrated. (I recommend hot/warm tea as well. Speak to an herbalist if you want specialized recommendations on what's best for you and baby)

16. Photographs or Ultrasound Images: Bring photographs or ultrasound images of your baby to keep you focused on the goal.

17. Relaxation Techniques: Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation to stay calm.

18. Supportive Birthing Team: Surround yourself with a supportive birthing team, including a partner, doula, or close friend.

19. Privacy: Use privacy screens or curtains to create a more intimate and calming space.

20. Open Communication: Keep communication open with your healthcare providers to ensure your needs and preferences are met.

21. Toiletries: Include items like toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap, and hair ties. Don't forget lip balm and moisturizer, as hospitals can be dry.

22. PhoneCharger: Keep your phone charged to communicate with loved ones and capture important moments.

23. Camera or Video Camera: If you want to document the birth, make sure you have a fully charged camera or video camera with extra memory cards and batteries. Also, Laptops/gaming system...yes, I know.

Remember that creating a calming atmosphere is a personal choice, so feel free to customize the room with items and practices that resonate with you. Discuss your preferences with your healthcare team to ensure a comfortable and positive birthing experience.

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