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Embracing Resilience: Reflections on Prematurity Awareness Month from a Full Spectrum Birth Justice

As Prematurity Awareness Month draws to a close, I find it fitting to share my own journey through the lens of a Full Spectrum Birth Justice Doula. At the age of 18, on the vibrant streets of the South Side of Chicago, my world shifted as my twin girls arrived prematurely at 6 months. This reflection is a celebration of resilience, a call to amplify awareness, and a testament to the transformative power of navigating premature births as a teenage mom.

 The South Side Chronicles:

   Growing up on the South Side of Chicago shaped not only my identity but also my approach to motherhood. Navigating the challenges of a marginalized community laid the foundation for my commitment to birth justice.

 Personal Connection to Prematurity:

   Reflecting on Prematurity Awareness Month is deeply personal for me. The premature birth of my twin girls marked a pivotal moment that shaped my journey as both a mother and a full spectrum birth justice doula. This intersectionality adds layers to the narrative, emphasizing the importance of addressing health disparities and advocating for comprehensive care.

Full Spectrum Doula:

   As a full spectrum doula, my role extends beyond traditional birthing experiences. My own journey of giving birth prematurely ignited a passion for supporting others through the spectrum of reproductive experiences, including premature births.

Community Resilience:

   The South Side community's resilience mirrors the strength I discovered within myself. Engaging with the community, understanding its needs, and fostering a sense of solidarity are vital in promoting birth justice.

 Celebrating Milestones and Progress:

   Amidst the challenges, it's essential to celebrate the milestones and progress made in prematurity awareness and care. Each step forward is a testament to the collective efforts to improve outcomes for premature babies and their families.

As we bid farewell to Prematurity Awareness Month, I am filled with gratitude to share my story. My journey as a Full Spectrum Birth Justice Doula and a teenage mom underscores the importance of amplifying voices, raising awareness, and advocating for equitable care. May this reflection inspire continued efforts to support families, break down barriers, and foster a world where every child, regardless of their journey into the world, is met with compassion, understanding, and comprehensive care.

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