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California residents have certain rights regarding our collection and use of personal information under the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”).


Please note that the CCPA Disclosure controls as to California residents in the event of any conflict between the CCPA Disclosure and any other provision of this Policy.

GCR California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Disclosure

California residents may:

  • Request that we delete their personal information.

  • Request information about:

  • the categories and specific pieces of personal information we have collected about the you;

  • the categories of sources from which we have collected your personal information;

  • the business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling your personal information;

  • the categories of personal information we have sold about your; and

  • the categories of third parties with whom we have shared, disclosed for a business purpose, or sold your personal information, and which categories of personal information we have sold to which categories of third parties.

We will not discriminate against you for exercising their rights under the CCPA.

NOTE: While under the CCPA you may request that we do not sell your personal information, there is no need to opt out of sales because we do not sell your personal information.


Exercising Your Rights

Requests for Information

If you are a California resident, you may request that we provide certain information about our use of your personal information, as specified above. Upon receiving a request from you, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity. We will respond to a verified request from you by: (a) providing the requested information; or (b) explaining to you why the Act does not require us to provide the requested information.

We will respond to requests for information within 45 days. If a response requires additional time, we will notify you of the basis for the delay and may extend our response period up to an additional 90 days. If the Act requires us to provide the information requested to you, we will provide the information covering the 12 months preceding the request, free of charge, and in a readily useable portable format. We have no obligation to provide personal information to you more than twice in a 12-month period. If a request or series of requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive, we may charge a reasonable fee for processing the request(s), or may refuse to process the request(s).


Requests to Delete

California residents may request that we delete their personal information. Upon receiving a request from you, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity. We will respond to a verified request from you by: (a) deleting your personal information and, if applicable, directing our service providers to delete your personal information; or (ii) explaining to you why the Act does not require us to delete your personal information.


If a request or series of requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive, we may charge a reasonable fee for processing the request(s), or may refuse to process the request(s).


Minors and Personal Information We Have Collected, Sold, or Disclosed

We do not sell to or obtain personal information from persons under 18 years of age.​

In the preceding 12 months, we have collected the following categories of personal information about California residents:

  • Name

  • Date of Birth

  • Postal address

  • Billing address

  • Shipping address

  • Credit or debit card information

  • E-mail address

  • Telephone number(s)

  • Records of products/services purchased

  • Internet Protocol address and geolocation

  • Analytics regarding interaction with our website

  • Device information (e.g. device model, operating system, device date/time, unique device identifiers, network information)


We do not sell, and have in the prior 12 months sold, any personal information of California consumers.

In the preceding 12 months, we have shared for a business purpose the following categories of personal information about California Users:

  • Identifiers: such as your name, Internet Protocol address, email address, and similar identifiers.

  • Payment information: some personal information included in this category, such as your address, may overlap with other categories.

  • Internet or other electronic network activity information: such as browsing history, search history, or information on interaction with a website or advertisement

  • Geolocation data. In some cases, we may collect your physical location to provide you location-related services

  • Inferences drawn from any of the above information

  • According to California law, personal information does not include (i) publicly available information from government records or (ii) de-identified or aggregated consumer information.

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