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Cookie Policy

Like many online services, we also use non-invasive "cookies" and other tracking technologies to collect information. Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that we transfer to your computer's hard drive through your Web browser. These cookies do not track other websites you might visit and they do not plant malware on your computer. Our non-invasive cookies allow us to recognize your browser so we can personalize your return visits to the Site and save you time during checkout.


If you are uncomfortable with cookies on your computer, you can always remove them by accessing the options menu of your browser. Please refer to your browser’s help menu for more specific directions if needed.


This site uses cookies and related technologies for site operation, analytics, and third party advertising purposes as described in this policy. 

Legal Processing

How We Use Your Data (Legal Basis for Processing)

DDM takes your privacy very seriously and will never sell your personal data to anyone. We only use your data for the purpose(s) specified in this Policy. Where you have consented to us providing you with promotional offers and marketing, you are free to withdraw this consent at any time.


We use non-personally identifiable information, such as your IP address and the pages that you visit on our Site, to help diagnose problems with our servers and to administer our Site and improve Site-related services and features. Your IP address and other non-personally identifiable information also may be used to gather broad demographic information and to recognize customer traffic patterns and Site usage trends. This information aids us in merchandising and in developing the design and layout of the Site.

We also might share aggregated statistical data and other non-personally identifiable information with our current and potential business partners and with our service providers to help them provide similar services.

We sometimes administer online surveys in connection with the Site in which we ask you for demographic information and opinions. We do not ask you for personally identifiable information as part of a survey. We use the collected survey data on an aggregated basis to better understand the needs of all of our customers.

We use personally identifiable information collected from you to complete transactions initiated by you, particularly the sale and delivery of products and services. Your personally identifiable information is also used to get in touch with you when necessary to provide updates about your order and answer any questions you might have.

We may also use personally identifiable information to contact you to make sure you are satisfied with our goods and services or to find out how we can serve you better. Your decision to participate in any survey or questionnaire about this is completely voluntary. Further, we may use personally identifiable information to conduct in-depth marketing research regarding our customers and potential customers.


Financial information (credit card numbers, credit card expiration dates, billing address, and so forth) is used solely to bill you for products and services and we make every effort to keep your information secure from theft or fraud.


We also may use your personally identifiable information to "pre-populate" forms that are used by the Site to facilitate transactions with us and save you from entering every data field on the checkout.


We may send you periodic announcements regarding your order, status updates, service changes concerning the Site and other administrative matters.

You may also, from time to time, receive information from us regarding new features, new products and services and special offers we think you'll find valuable. If you'd like to opt out of receiving promotional communications from us, please follow the procedure outlined in the Opt-Out section below.

There are some special instances when we might use or disclose personally identifiable information:


As noted above, we collect personally identifiable information regarding gift recipients and people to whom you may wish to give gifts in the future. This is done in order to accommodate proper gift delivery to such recipients and remind you of upcoming gift-giving occasions. We do not sell or rent any personally identifiable information that you provide to us regarding such persons, but gift recipients may, from time to time, receive offers from us via postal mailings regarding new features, new products and services and special offers we think they will find of interest. Also, we may send marketing offers via postal mailings to gift recipients on behalf of ourselves and our business partners. In connection with such offers, we allow gift recipients to opt out of receiving future marketing-related postal mailings from us, as discussed in the Opt-Out section below.


As described in this Privacy Policy, we work with third parties who provide services, including but not limited to website hosting, order processing and fulfillment, age verification, credit card clearance, e-commerce affiliation, data analysis, emailing, marketing, targeting and other services. Some of these third parties may be given access to some or all of the information that you provide to us and may use cookies or other tracking technologies in connection with providing their services. To the extent that we provide your personally identifiable information to such third parties, we restrict their ability to use such information for their own marketing purposes to the best of our abilities. However, we cannot be responsible for the privacy policies or practices of such third parties.


We may share personal information we collect about you with related companies for purposes consistent with this Policy.

List Title

Subject to applicable law, we reserve the right to release information concerning any Site visitor where such visitor is believed to be in violation of his or her obligations to us, is partaking (or is suspected of partaking) in any illegal activity, in response to civil subpoenas, court orders and/or discovery requests, to protect the interests of Mambo Josy, Josy Smith and Healing Whispers, our customers or others, and as otherwise permitted or required by law as regards to these special cases.

Sharing and Disclosing Your Personal Information

Except as provided in this Policy, we do not share or disclose any of your personal information without your consent.

HW uses third parties to provide certain services and business functions, and may share your personal information with service providers for purposes such as order and payment processing, website functionality and the marketing of products. Keep in mind that, while we encourage all third parties involved in running our business to adhere to our policies regarding the privacy of our visitors and to handle personally identifiable information in a responsible manner, we cannot and do not assume any responsibility for any actions or omissions of third parties, including the manner in which they use information received either from or independently.

Opting Out

At any time, you can adjust how we market to you or even opt-out completely. To adjust your mailing preferences, simply log into your account and go to the Email Preferences section. Then select if you want to receive emails and how often you get them. When the checkmark is removed, you have successfully opted-out from those mailings. Please note that you will still receive emails regarding your order whenever you make a purchase.

If you are unable to access your account for any reason, you can still opt out of emails from Healing Whispers as well as mailings from third-party marketers by using this link: Contact Us 

Please allow up to two weeks for your request to be processed.

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